My G&T class just finished watching Beasts of the Southern Wild. This fictional but realistic movie focused on the life of a young girl named Hush-Puppy and her father who live in the bathtub. What is the bathtub, you ask? It is a place on the tip of Louisiana that filled with water with a ferocious storm. The few people who decided to stay in their homes had to find a way to adapt and survive. Unfortunately, Hush-Puppy's father, Wink, is dying, as he has some sort of heart condition. These events make it extremely difficult to survive.
As the movie begins, you feel like you are in a foreign place that cannot possibly be America. The scene is a jungle, with poverty stricken people. Yet, they are all happy. They "get the most holidays" out of everyone. They are simply content. However, as the movie progresses, you get a feeling of normalness. It seems that the forign environment is calling to you because all the people seem so happy. They ever refuse to leave their homes. Wink states multiple time that "I ain't leaving the bathtub" even with an approaching hurricane and his heart condition. This movie makes you feel weird when you turn it off and get back to reality. You miss the simpleness of their life...
The other thing that made a big impact on my life was Hush-Puppy's quote "We are all parts in a big, big universe". It makes me realize that what just happened to me (Injured, Victory, ect.) is not important. We are all cogs in the machine. Without my friends and everyone else, life wouldn't be possible. It makes you try to appreciate things more, like the fact that I can go to school and have a G&T class. It would still be cool to live like Hush-Puppy though...