Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gifted Truths

When you think a person is gifted, do you think that means those children can accomplish anything, they have few problems, and they are all smart? Well, if you said yes to any of these, you would be wrong. According to, and through my personal experiences, I can tell you with certainty that all these statements are myths about gifted children. (I should know, after all, I'm one of the gifted ones!) Now if I told you that gifted kids can sometimes just jump to an answer and not know how they got it, or if I said they can skip directions because they are boring, you would now answer myth, right? Wrong! Both of these facts, which come from the same site, are true facts about gifted kids. I have seen this several times in my time in school, especially in my gifted and talented class. Most of the students often skim over the directions, including myself, and some can also find alternative answers to problems. In math I often find a way to make the work less and less complex. If i see a pattern, I will try to find out how to duplicate the pattern, and never do the long algebraic equation.
When you are a gifted kid, there can be both positives and negatives. The down side to being gifted includes people expecting you to be a role-model, your peers call you a nerd, or some other name, and you always seem to never quite fit in. However, with greayt responsibility, comes great power. You can often finish homework early or comprehend the lesson much quicker than most. And although being gifted can be a burden, it can also be an incredible skill that will allow you to succeed!Being gifted lets you be advanced in a certain subject. Every one in our gifted and talented class has an area that they excell at. For some, its dance, others, computer tech. And it doesn't stop there. Everyone has something their good at, and some people have several. Explore in that subject, and you will learn fasted, do better, and become greater than you ever could have imagined.

1 comment:

  1. Rather than simply linking to the myths, you needed to write about them yourself, in your own words, and dispel them with truths, using personal experience.
