Friday, October 26, 2012

20% #1

My first of the two 20% projects that I am doing is going to be about me creating an app. I will need to get some app creating software, but other than that, I will have the needed computer and everything else I need already at my house. A major obstacle I have is that I can only work on this at my house. This will be a slight challenge because it will mean I have to work on it on my own time. The actual software that I need might take 2 weeks or more to find, but other than that I will be good.
I want to learn more about technology with this project, since more and more jobs involve technology. Since todays modern era revolves around technical devices and games, I believe it would be a good idea to get a head start on everyone else and leanr how to make an app now. Also, if I can make some money with this app, it wouldn't hurt. However, the main reason that I chose this topic is because the independent app makers control 60% of the market. That means it is a very good field to get into, since they have taken over the console games in sale cuanity, even though the console developers make more in money, because the games are priced higher. With the app industry booming it is, like I said, good to get a head start. This could very well turn into something that I want to do when I am older.
A few people who can help me are:
My dad
The software manual
All of these resources are invaluabe because my dad can help me with finding a good program, the manual the comes with it will tell me how to get started, and I can make sure that I work long and hard to get the project done on time. With any luck, my app will turn out great and will become one of the next big things!

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